Welcome to the UASC Information page
In Nottinghamshire, we have a team of social workers and personal advisers who support you until your 21st birthday. This is called the UASC Team.
After that, you might also get support from our 21Plus Service until your 25th birthday.
The UASC Team understand the experience and journey of young people seeking asylum. They will help you adjust to life in the UK, to work out what support you might need as a care leaver.
This can be practical things like where you live, what work or college options you have and how you can look after your health and wellbeing.
When you talk to your personal adviser about these things it will be recorded in your Pathway Plan.
If you are 18 - 21 years you can contact your personal adviser directly or contact the UASC team please call Duty Number: 01159773300
If you are 21-25 years and need support please call Duty Number at 21 Plus: 01158044154
Please see the Nottinghamshire offer for Care Leavers and Nottinghamshire's Local Offer Young people who are looked after children
or care leavers seeking asylum.
A copy of this can be seen in the page below or via this link Nottshelpyourself | Local Offer for Care Leavers